Sri Narasimha Navaratna Manjari was written by a famous Madhwa Brahmin Scholar Sri Narasimhacharya during 18th Century AD. He was also a great devotee of Guru Raghavendra, who was an incarnation of Sri Bhakta Prahalada. In this text, he praises about Lord Narasimha, who dwells in various temples in the earth, and he also mentions about the 108 wonderful names of Lord Narasimha.
Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Navaratna Manjari often called as Narasimha Navaratna Stotra is a popular Stotra to worship Lord Narasimha for getting his mercy for uplifting his devotees. The entire Lakshmi Narasimha stotram lyrics are composed in a great way by explaining the divine qualities of Lord Narasimha and Ma Lakshmi, and their generosity on the devotees. The main aspect of this Narasimha stotram is to seek the help of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha in order to overcome the difficult situations in our life. Several hymns of this Narasimha Stotra have in depth meaning about the difficulties faced in human life and how a person gets affected during his course of life journey.
The following are some of the excerpts from the Sri Narasimha Navaratna Manjari Stotram:
Oh My Dear Lord Lakshmi Nrsimha,
Who lives in the Parkadal, the ocean of milk,
Who holds the Sudarsana Chakra as weapon,
Who wears precious gems of the head,
and sleeps in the snake bed, Sri Adhisesha, Who has got only good qualities,
Who is the true saviour of his devotees,
who acts like the boat to cross the life ocean,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh My Dear God Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
Whose feet looks like the freshly plucked lotus flowers,
who is worshipped by Lord Brahma, Indra, Shiva, Chandra and Surya,
Whose shining feet face adds more beauty to his appearance,
who gives great pleasantness to his Bhaktas,
who keeps Ma Lakshmi on his soul,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh My Lovely Lord Narasimha,
who have killed the Demon Mura,
who protects his devotees on their way to the pilgrimages,
who controls the desires of the people,
who removes the bad elements of the people, like lust, anger and greed,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my wonderful god Lakshmi Narasimha,
who cannot be measured from top to bottom,
who contains the whole universe on his body,
who chase away the evil spirits,
who is very fond on his devotees,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my beloved god Lakshmi Narasimha,
who contains various names,
who removes the worldly pleasures of the people, thereby giving the eternal bliss to them, at his holy abode Vaikunta, Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my marvellous Lakshmi Narasimha,
who removes the sins and diseases of his devotees, who put his hands on our heads in order to bless us, whose powers cannot be measured by anyone, who is the supreme god for the entire universe,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my mother Lord Lakshmi Narasimha,
who has granted salvation to his devotees like Prahalada and Dhruva, who is always praised by Narada and Tumburu, who is always worshipped by Lord Brahma and Indra, who never sleeps, but used to continuously wake, in order to remove our troubles and turmoil in our lives.
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh My father Lakshmi Narasimha,
I have been caught in this dangerous net of this human life,
And I don’t know when I would come out from that,
please control my worldly pleasures and inculcate more and more bhakti on you,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my Master Sri Lakshmi Narasimha,
I have been crushed by my mind enemy, since my mind acts like a monkey,
I don’t know how to come out from the worldly illusions, I am afraid of my frequent births and deaths,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my Child Sri Narasimha,
I have become blind, since I am unable to get your divine vision,
You have stolen the souls of your devotees through your significance,
I have been fallen into the deep well of ignorance, lack of faith and disinterest in worship, please make me to get up from the dark well, and show me the spiritual light,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh my worshipful god Lakshmi Narasimha,
I have been lying in the death bed and still now, I am unable to control my worldly attachments,
and I am able to see the attendants of Lord Yama,
who are trying to throw the nose on me, in order to take away my life,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh My Dear Lord, who is the king of devas,
Who is the consort of Ma Lakshmi, who is very fond of lotus flowers,
Who is Lord Sriman Narayana, who has killed demon like Madhu,
Who contains lotus eyes, Who is the father of Lord Brahma,
Who is also known as Madhava, Achuta, Gopala, Govinda, Kesava, Janardhana and Vasudeva,
Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh My great god Lakshmi Narasimha,
who is surrounded by full of Devas, Sages, gods and goddesses, who carefully listens to the problems of all of his devotees, and who removes their problems within a fraction of second. Please give us protection from your divine hands.
Oh My Dear Lord Lakshmi Narasimha,
Please protect the poor ones like me, oh, Lord, Oh my Kind god, you are the treasure of love and compassion,
similar to the removal of the sorrows of Prahlada, please do it for us also,
you are the god of the gods, king of the kings, and you are our precious gold, and you are everything for us. Please give us protection from your divine hands.