Most Famous Hindu Temples in Canada

Sri Nagapooshani Nagalingeswar Swamy Temple is definitely one of the holiest and oldest temples in 1830 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough, Ontario, M1H2V5 Canada. Devotees from far and wide come here to seek the blessings from Goddess Nagapooshani Amman, Nagapooshani Amman (Our Lady who is worshipped by Serpent) is the presiding deity at this temple.
History of Nagapooshani Amman begins to belived It is believed to be the place where the silambu (anklets) of Gauri had fallen in ancient capital of the Jaffna kingdom, Nallur, Sri Lanka. The anklets have been given immense importance in the worship of Shakti since time and memorial. This ornament is also referred to in the famous Tamil epic Silapathikaram – where the story begins and ends with an anklet.
Hindu Temples of Canada
There are over 1000 temple societies across this amazing country canada that takes care of the construction and maintenance of the temples. Sri Nagapooshani Ambika Samatha Nagalingeswar Temple in Toronto, Canada Started 21 YEARS AGO when Kandaswamy Ayya, sat under a tree before Nainadevi Temple in India, meditated and saw the Nainadevi appear before him. This inspired him to start a Nainadevi Temple. However when he settled in Canada (Most Famous Hindu Temples in Canada), Nainadevi Nagapooshani Amman took form. This amman statue in our temple is that of a child. Such innocence, and purity, she can see into your heart to deliver all you desire..
Also Read : Best Astrology Service in Canada
Hindu deities are part of Indian mythology, both Devas and Devis feature in one of many cosmological theories in Hinduism. There are other Hindu Gods and Goddesses in our temple , Ganesh Bhagavan, Nagalingeswar Swamy, Dakshinamoorthy, Sri Vishnu, Mahalakshmi, Hanuman, Navagraha Swami’s, Nagapooshani Amman Uchavar, Murugar, valli, Devayani, NagaRaja and Nagarani, Kala Bhairavar or Kala Bhairav, Muneeswarar, Ayappa Swami, Panrithalachi Amman and Durga Devi.

Sri Nagapooshani Nagalingeswar Swamy Temple specialty – Our Temple is famous worldwide for Kurippu/Spiritual Counselling done by Kandaswamy Priest who has the blessing of disseminating Goddess Mother’s word. This can be extremely helpful if you need specialised help in warding off evil spirits, black magic done on you, need astrology or horoscope services or to connect with a Guru.
Famous Temple in and around Canada
MON TO SUN: 9 AM TO 12:30 PM AND 5:30 PM TO 8:30 PM
Various Types of Vedic Yagya, Homam, Havan | Hindu pooja list
- Ganapathi Homam
- Ganapathi & Sarpam or Navagraha Homam
- Mahalakshmi Homam
- Saraswathi Homam
- Santana Gopala Homam
- Durga Homam
- Rudra Homam
- Skantha Homam
- Sutharshana Homam
- Chandi Homam
- Maha Mrityunjaya Homam
- Navagraga Shanthi /
- Navagraga Homam
- Sarpam Santhi / Sarpam Homam
- Guru Peyarchi Homam
- Modaka Pooja with Abhishekam
- Pal Abhishekam
- Ayush Homam
- Special Poojas:
Ambal - Santhanakaapu
- Ambal Saree
- Wrapping
- Pottu Thali
- Kumkuma Archana
- Marriage Archana
- Naga Archanai
- Car- Vahana Pooja
- Gowri Nool/Kaapu
- Padam Pooja
- Vadamala Pooja
- Vadamala Pooja with
- Abhishekam
- Modaka Pooja
- Anna Danam (Food Donation)
- Annaprashana (Baby First Food)
- Ellu Ennai
- Nool Katarthu (Protection)
- TharpanamThithi
- Kozhantha Vithu Vanga (Baby Buy and Sell)
- Namakaranam
- Muhurtham
- Annaprashana
- Muhurtham
- Marriage Services:
- Medha Dakshinamurti Homam
- Maha Pashupatha Homam
- Chandi Homam
- MahaLakshmi Homam
- Mrityunjaya Homam
- Vijaya Pasupatha Homam
- Vana Durgamba Homam
- Surya Pasupatha Homam
- Sudarshana Homam
Subrahmanya - Pashupatha Homam
Sowra Pashupatha Homa - Saraswathi Homam
- Santhana Pasupatha Homa
- Runa Vimochana
- Ganapathi Homa
- Rudra Pashupatha Homam
- Puthra Kameshti Homa
- Navagraha
- Pashupatha Homa
- Manyu Pashupata Homam
- Lakshmi Ganapathi Homa
- Kubera Pashupatha Homa
- Kanya Pashupata Homam
- Jaya Homam
- Gana Manyu
- Pasupatha Homa
- Dampathya
- Pasupatha Homam
- Bhrigu Pashupata Homam
- Ayush Homam
- Angaraka Pashupata Homam
We also do japam services: - Shukra (Venus)
- Graha Japam
- Shani (Saturn) Graha Japam
- Ravi (Sun) Graha Japam
- Rahu Graha Japam
- Nakshtra Japam
- Kuja (Mangala)
- Graha Japam
- Kethu Graha Japam
- Guru (Jupiter) Graha Japam
- Chandra (Moon)
- Graha Japam
- Budha (Mercury)
- Graha Japam
- Muhurthams:
- Vivaha Muhurtham
- Upanayanam
- Muhurtham
- Shashtipoorthi
- Muhurtham
- Nischaya Tamboolalu
- Job Joining
- Muhurtham
- Business Opening
- Muhurtham Barasala
We also do All Types of House Poojas as Needed. Please call 4162729934 for all your needs We conduct Engagements, and Marriages and can register them as well. We can assist you in all your marriage needs. Please contact 4162729934. Wedding and Meeting Hall is also available at the temple for booking at nominal pricing. Please contact 4162729934 for more details.